Author: web admin

In a world where our work and private information live online, it's important to have good network security. Traditional network security has been helpful, but it's not enough for today's needs. That's where SASE, or Secure Access Service Edge, comes in. It's a new kind of security that's better suited for our digital life. The Old Way: Traditional Network Security Traditional network security uses many devices and tools that work separately. This can be complicated and expensive. It can also slow things...

[vc_row full_screen_section_height="no"][vc_column][vc_row_inner full_screen_section_height="no"][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1698847095656{padding-bottom: 2% !important;}"]In a world where change is the only constant, the Leaders in Conversation (LinC) platform brings together industry stalwarts to unravel the mysteries of innovation and its transformational power. Imagine being a fly on the wall in a room filled with visionaries from the technology, logistics, and manufacturing sectors. In this blog, we invite you to step into that room as we dive deep into LinC's recent conversation. Join us on a journey through disruptive...

Pandemic and resilience The pandemic changed the way banks looked at their Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and BCM(Business Continuity Management). Strategies and plans that once accounted for everything from natural disasters, human error, cyber risks, insider threats, downtime, and operational setbacks had to now factor in the unpredictable X in their risk plans. Growth through adversity The new normal saw the banks overhauling their operations through complete process automation and digital acceleration. There was a constant need to prioritize and coordinate solutions, to...

E-commerce is nothing short of a behemoth in the business world. With projections indicating a market worth of $8 trillion by 2025, it's a sector no one can afford to ignore. But let's not kid ourselves; scaling an e-commerce platform isn't a walk in the park. Traffic surges can spell disaster if you're not prepared. That's where cloud computing steps in, offering a robust framework to keep your digital store open, no matter how many virtual "footsteps" walk in. How Cloud...

Unravel the detailed approach of NuRe’s Cloud Assessment that ensures your IT infrastructure is not just ready but optimized for the cloud. Learn how a personalized strategic roadmap, crafted to align with your unique organizational objectives, can help you land safely in the cloud and help you operate seamlessly and increase overall customer experience. The result? Very successful business outcomes.   Navigating the Complex Landscape of Cloud Adoption  Embarking on the cloud journey is akin to navigating a ship through uncharted waters. Every...

[vc_row full_screen_section_height="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text]As businesses grow and extend their operations, they are subject to large volumes of regulations that often become intricate due to overlapping jurisdictions from multiple authorities. Implementing appropriate measures, policies, and processes to manage their legal and mandatory adherence helps them stay secure and compliant. Are you regulatory-ready? Regulatory compliance refers to businesses adhering to relevant local, domestic, Government, international and industrial laws or regulations that pertain to their operations, and governs all their activities, people, processes, and customer interactions. And...