Author: web admin

For a few years now, 5G networks have been hailed as the new technological frontier that would enable new business opportunities due to new service possibilities. It would also make remote collaborations easy, especially by using virtual reality headsets like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. And for existing businesses, 5G networks can bring about unparalleled speed and unmatched efficiency. What’s the catch, you ask? Public 5G networks have been a little slow to the party, so businesses have been considering...

Today, at the cusp of a transformational decade that started with a crisis and is now finding its feet in a new normal and yet has its aspirational vision for the future clearly defined, digital is the way to go. In fact, it’s the only way forward. And no sector or industry is exempt. Is there any room to doubt the need for Higher Education Institutions to fall in line, or perhaps lead the way? Automation in Higher education...

Industry 4.0 or Smart Factories 4.0 has shown great potential in a short span since its start. Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in manufacturing has increased efficiency and opened new possibilities for business.AI and ML have proved to be helpful to industries to solve some major problems. Tracing manufacturing defects, reducing waste by identifying faulty components earlier in the process, and speedy manufacture, to name a few. Manufacturing industries have indeed flourished during Industry 3.0. Yet there are some...