Digital maturity. Are you geared up?
A local grocery store and a large e-commerce brand do not have much in common, particularly in relation to their marketing. However, it is quite possible that in terms of digital marketing maturity, these two businesses could be the same. There are numerous market forces that are driving the need for businesses to become digital. However, many businesses are just getting on board the complex digital transformation journey that encompasses all facets of their business.
A less mature business will put in little effort, time and resources into how it reaches out to its customers. Often, it will not be something considered to be mission-critical. On the other hand, a mature organization will go all out to invest in the experience they create for their customers. It will be ingrained into the running of their business. For the top management, it becomes vital to evaluate where they stand in their business’s competitive landscape, and where they need to put more effort to address shortcomings.
Large audit companies such as Gartner and Deloitte have come up with their own Digital Business Maturity Model that help organizations make an assessment on how far they must go before they accomplish digital maturity.
Key Characteristics of Digitally Mature Organizations
Organizations that have adopted digital transformation solutions are very different from those that have not implemented it yet or are still in the process of adopting it organization-wide. Digitally mature organizations see technology as a major factor in shaping their business and create the conditions for success. Here is a list of the key characteristics of digitally mature companies that differentiate them from other companies:
They make use of advanced data analytics tools that help them make the right decisions at the right time.
Digitally maturing companies provide their employees with resources and opportunities to develop their digital skills.
They have a dynamic internal culture that encourages agility and risk-taking.
Instead of waiting for another organization to disrupt, they take the initiative to create new opportunities.
Their digital strategy is not something that just supports their core business, instead, it is integrated into the company’s strategy.
They go all out and invest money in innovation and do something that has never been done before.
Their workforce, starting from the people at the top are change agents with a transformative vision and are focused on collaboration and change.
Most digitally mature companies concentrate on removing barriers between processes and people.
How Digitally Mature Is Your Company?
A company’s ability to adapt and thrive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape indicates the maturity of the company. Most companies fall into one of the following digital maturity categories:
Incidental: Companies in this category have a very low awareness of digital transformation.
Intentional: Companies in this category are firmly taking steps that support digital transformation.
Integrated: Organizations in this level are taking steps with high strategic intent that are well-coordinated and streamlined.
Optimized: There are only a few companies in this category, and they are the standard-setters in digital transformation.
3i Infotech is one company that has taken substantial steps to help firms in their journey to become digitally mature. It has consolidated its service offerings to help businesses with their digital transformation in India and around the world.