The Connected World of
Digital Telecommunication

Catalysing Connectivity

The Telecommunication Sector makes communication possible worldwide with access and interconnectivity. Powering economies and helping industries thrive, Telecom truly empowers. On the cusp of seismic changes, this sector is currently growing and stretching in new ways with the advent of the 5G network which promises Limitless Connectivity, aided by IoT and Edge Computing, redefining operating models and revenue streams. 3i Infotech works with a raft of New-Gen Technologies to manage cutting-edge and future-ready networks to deliver differentiated experiences, reliable performance, and stability across platforms.

Transform your Telecom Operations
with Technology

Transform your Telecom Operations with Technology


Private 5G market size to reach $47 Billion growing at a CAGR of 40% by 2036.

Integration of Technologies

70% of the Telecom is predicted to be hosted by 2025

5G Network and Edge Computing

5G Network and Edge Computing to enable ultra-low latency and high-speed connectivity needed for Next-Gen Applications like AR/VR and Realtime Analytics.

Wi-Fi market to experience rapid Growth

The global Wi-Fi market is predicted to surge ahead at a CAGR of 20.2% and record sales worth US$ 88.90 billion by the end of 2033

Telecom operators will migrate to SDN

70% of Telecom Operators will be migrating their core network functions to SDN by 2025

Enable your Digital Advantage

Build Private 5G Labs for Small and Medium Industries, Colleges and Universities, Manufacturing Businesses, and Multi-Vendor ORAN that deliver Managed Services.

While we can help you setup 5G Labs, we also have our own Company-owned 5G Innovation Lab in partnership with IIT, Madras, Tamil Nadu, India to stimulate the 5G Ecosystem in India, to facilitate innovation in the Indian industry, academia, and entrepreneur habitat.

Competency Framework on a Multi-Vendor SD WAN Orchestrator.

SASE-Enabled by API Integrations with Third-Party SD WAN/Service Orchestrators.

WiFi Services: Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) for subscribers to connect to the internet at designated hotspots

Advertising Services: Mass advertising, local, hyper-local, rural, and seasonal content, or personalized messages


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